Why Us

We're your ace in the hole.
We're your ace in the hole.
We are an ideal solution for mid-sized businesses who need vital financial expertise at their fingertips, but don't need the cost of a full-time CFO on their management team. Our ongoing financial guidance gives our clients the edge they need to succeed.

Why are we an ideal solution? The most cost-effective way to get something done is to have the lowest-cost qualified person do it. In an ideal world, every task would be assigned in this way. Of course, we can't always achieve that ideal in business - we don't have an infinite number of skill sets and salary rates available to us. So we typically have people doing things they are overqualified (and overpaid) to do because we need their skill set for other parts of their job.

Here's where the new paradigm comes in: What if you were able to outsource your accounting & financial management to someone who does have the full spectrum of related skill sets available to them? And what if they were willing to give you exactly the amount of each skill set you need at any time, even if that changes from month to month? And what if they took care of all your accounting and financial management needs for one flat fee each month - no payroll taxes, no benefits, no hassles?

Now that would be ideal!

With New Paradigm CFO, that's exactly what our clients get.

We're your ace in the hole.
We're your ace in the hole.
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